Thursday, April 06, 2006

It's been awhile...

A lot has gone on in the past couple weeks since I last posted - but I can't really say all that much more. So many things that they all run together. We did go to visit our friends T and A in New Haven and went to the Ikea while we were there. That store is just too much. Too much fun. Too many good deals. Too many people. Too big. And it's layout is in a maze - literally, so that once you get started you have to go all the way through. Visit every department. Which makes for spending too much money. I tell you. There are A LOT of things that I want to get from there. But I fear going back because of what I may spend. We got out with spending under $80 - and I think that was really good. But we hadn't planned on spending anything unless we found a table and chairs we liked. We did find several that we liked, but by the time we got to the place where you pick them up, we were too tired and already had several rugs and random things, so we decided we'll just order it online when we really do have the $250 that they will be. My favorite is the rug we got for the baby room. Yes, yes, I know it's early to be planning all of that seeing as we are not even married yet and we've got no intention of getting pregnant before we are. But we have contacted DSS to be trained for being foster parents. And we will likely be all set for that around June - just short term placements before the wedding. But we'll have to be set up to welcome a little one when that happens. So we have the rug and got a matching stuffed dragon and frog prince to go with it. We also got some hangy basket things for clothes, diapers, etc. No big furniture yet. K wanted to buy this crib we saw, but I had to put the brakes on that - seriously, we won't even have our homestudy for another month or so and if we *need* a crib before we take a kid in, then we'll have a couple months to get one! But I kinda think that if we're not set up with a crib, car seat, etc, that DSS will provide it for us! And right now, we need to just concentrate on getting our wedding together and getting a replacement care for K's totaled one. Yeah, we tried the one-car-family thing and it just isn't working... More on that later.

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