Thursday, September 01, 2005

The media and Katrina

I'm having a problem with the media. Ok, so that in itself is not new, but as I watch coverage about Katrina I'm just bothered. Last night on the news one of the reports said that it's hard to believe such destruction could happen in America. Ok, what's wrong with that? Have we Americans become so conceited as to believe that we will not be affected by the life on Earth? Did we think we were so invincible? We certainly thought that we were invincible to being the target of large scale attacks until 9/11. And when it did happen, do we begin to understand that we are not so high and mighty, or do we go and attack a relatively unrelated country? Oh, yes, the powerful America will not be insulted. Well who are we going to attack now? There is no one to blame - well, unless we blame ourselves for abusing Mother Earth - who will naturally strike back.

One weather guy said that Katrina was so devastating because of the rise in temperature of the ocean waters - just like when the Tsunami hit. But you didn't hear anything global warming or about needing to curtail our abuse to the environment from the media. And our government only added insult to injury by refusing to sign the Kyoto Agreement. Their reason: because it might damage our economy. So because we like our SUVs and materialistic ways, we'll just keep on our little trend until something really big happens and we're forced to pay attention. Well is this big enough? How's our economy now? Yet, I'd venture to say that we won't hear anything about global warming in the aftermath of Katrina either.

So that's pissing me off. And another thing that is pissing me off is the way the media people who are down there are not helping. They are reporting on all of the damage. Great footage of people stranded, hurt, hungry, and thirsty. Even great footage of plenty of rescues. But are they helping??? They have boats. They have water. They all look neat and tidy for their cameras as they coast on by person after person screaming, begging, and pleading for someone to help them. They have the resources to help, but do they? I only saw one clip of a camera man give in and help once, but only with the comment, "We're not supposed to let anyone on the boat." What are they afraid it will upset their producers if they join in the effort instead of just filming it. Dammit they have the resources, so why aren't they chipping in? What that wouldn't make as good of a story?

Back when Des Moines was flooded our local TV station in Minneapolis organized a help effort and sent bus loads of us down to help with the clean-up. The people of Des Moines got much needed help, I felt good that I could help, and it made for a great story.

1 comment:

ardi k said...

Right On !! See my comments on the subject:

Katrina--Search and Rescue, What a Concept