Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

And so. It has been some time, I know, I know. Since my last post much has happened, which is mostly why I haven't posted. So busy! I landed a job - FINALLY! Doing crisis work. Not what I want to do in the long term, but I am so greatful to have a job, and a salaried job at that, that - well, life is just good. I've left K with her family for the evening while I'm at work. I'll meet up with her in the wee hours of the morning and spend Christmas Day with K's entire family clan. Hopefully the evening will continue to be quiet and I will get out of here on time - so for anyone who happens to live in Western Massachusetts, let's not have any Crises tonight, we'll all be much happier.

So far I've only gotten two phone calls from the same woman tonight: in the first one she told me how upset she was about a Christmas letter she gets every year; the second one she read me the sarcastic and bitter response that she was in the process of writing and asked my opinion. I explained that while hearing from someone only once a year can be frustrating, I'm sure that the letter is sent with good intentions, and that to send a bitter response would really only sour their feelings towards her, and finally, if she really knows that reading the letter is painful for her, maybe next year she should just be greatful that the sender thought of her and leave it unopened. Op. The third phone call just came in: the guy has to miss Christmas Eve dinner because he has been having pain in his belly and the doctor ordered some blood tests for him this evening to rule out problems with his Gall Bladder or Pancreas. Listened for awhile and wished him luck with the testing. He's a regular. The other lady is too.

In other news. We are moving on Jan. 1st. Actually on Dec. 31st, so we can be out on Jan 1st. We have a grand total of 4 boxes packed. Actually, it might be better to say 2 boxes because K had to open up the other 2 to lend some books about unfriendly family members re: being gay to a friend. [Poor girl. She came out to her parents over Thanksgiving and they have gone completely mad: stalking her, researching personal info on her friends, calling her girlfriend, etc. Supposedly they are planning some sort of grand intervention to make her straight over Christmas. They have already offered her $50,000 plus full tuition to grad school if she would just move back home and stop being gay. She of course refused to do any such thing. It could get ugly.] Anyway, we've got a lot to do in the next week. I've got tomorrow off, but I exchanged Saturday, when I'm normally scheduled, for Monday - sounded good at the time, but now that I think about it... well, I'm feeling a little stressed to say the least. Maybe if we have coverage, I'll be able to take Wednesday or Thursday. That would help a lot.

Mmmm, stomach is growling. I suppose I could eat dinner. I made chicken piccata the other day and have left overs. I will do it. Hope all is well with everyone and you are having the kind of holiday you hoped for. And Dad, on the off chance that you're checking this while you're on vacation, Happy Holidays to everyone in Oregon!


ardi k said...

Yeah! Happy to you.

starevelina said...

My girl is awesome! And you're pretty cute sittin' there on the couch right now. I think I need a smooch...