Sunday, January 29, 2006

At the request of Ardist

So Ardist requested that I post some of my paintings since I was mentioning it the other day. Most of my work remains tucked away in the back of the closet where they were put after we moved, but these are the results of my most recent endeavors, since the new year when we moved in.
My favorite of these three is the one that I call Feather-Light (top), but it is just a shade lighter in actuality. I had another that I intended to post, but somehow lost the image when I saved it as a draft (at the in-law types currently). I'm not especially happy with the focus on the blue one (bottom). More to come later, I'm sure. I love this stuff. I never know what I'm going to come up with when I start a painting, which I think is why I come up with so many different styles.

P.S. I still find it frustrating that some of the glitches in Blogger do not allow for a) seeing what your post will actually look like when you go to publish, and b) that it leaves great blank spaces (such as above) that could be used much more efficiently.


Karen Howell said...

I think your blog is great. Thank you for your kind comment on mine. I never really know what to say when I go to write on mine. It's great you are an artist also. I am a cat person also, I have two. I love cats. I find them harder to paint. I have a snowshoe cat who is my love and I adore her. Good luck!

ardi k said...

Thanks for the look. Can't wait to see more.

ardi k said...

And what did you name the other one?

WordsofJoi said...

No name for the other as of yet. I feel like it's a bit etheral, but nothing has popped into my head yet.

ardi k said...

"Riding the Light" seems right to me.

WordsofJoi said...

That's perfect. And so it is.