Wednesday, January 25, 2006

much to do

There is indeed way too much to do. Just can't seem to get motivated to do any of it at the moment. I'd much rather paint. I set up a new canvas and will likely roll up my sleeves once I post this. Tomorrow, or over the weekend, or at least before we have our house warming I need to rearrange the office/dining room area. It is driving my batty. Very bad feng shui at the moment. I really don't know that much about feng shui - K is the expert on that - but I can just feel it. Way too boxy. And my back it towards the room when I sit here at the computer AND when I eat at the table. This makes for less time at the computer, and it also makes for more time eating on the couch. I also want to rearrange the bedroom. I'm just not happy having to crawl over K or the end of the bed should nature call in the wee hours of the morning. The spare room definitely needs to be attended to as well. Even if we did have enough money to buy a wardrobe, we don't yet have a place for it at all. Perhaps if the bedroom is rearranged we can squEEze it in there, and my idea is actually to fashion a sort of hallway, which would also serve as sectioning off for the office (very confusing to try to explain without a visual), but K has pretty much vetoed me on that anyway - I have not given up yet, but the only other place there is to put the wardrobe - did I mention how desperately we need one - is the spare bedroom, but right now it is quite occupied and quite full with boxes in need of unpacking. I also have several boxes in the office area that need sorting, I need to update our address with a myriad of people and companies, and last, but certainly not least, we desperately need to get on to some serious wedding planning! But really - all I want to do is paint. And so I am off to do it.


ardi k said...

So... Please snap a pic of some recent painting and post for all to see.
--a @ River-Tree Whispers

WordsofJoi said...

Will do! I have lots of photos to share, but I still need to take some time to figure out how to upload pictures from the digital camera to the computer so I can post them.