Monday, February 27, 2006

And then there's what I actually did...

Right then, so the day was productive, but I did not even start the taxes. Instead I did this:
  1. Blogged, surfed, and chatted for a goodly amount of time over coffee and then a cup of tea. I suppose I do deserve to laze about on my day off for at least some of the time.
  2. Washed K's coat. It was still in the laundry since the airbag incident and she is refusing to wear it - instead opting for a Spring jacket - even though it's barely ZERO outside.
  3. Tidied the living and dining rooms. Certainly can't organize my finances unless my surroundings are organized.
  4. K came home for lunch - Yeah! Chatted and had a bite.
  5. Hung up K's coat and put in new load of laundry. I've got to do something that I said I would today!
  6. Cleaned up the kitchen. Who can do anything before you can see the counter!
  7. Organized desk. Again, how can I possibly know what bills to pay unless I'm organized.
  8. Balanced checkbook. I need to know how much I can pay to who.
  9. Paid bills.
  10. Called Wells Fargo to change address.
  11. Called Verizon to find out that they still don't have my account straightened out to before-move status.
  12. Reformatted bill paying chart. Um, don't ask. It just makes me feel better.
  13. Hung up laundry to dry.
  14. Laid down to rest my achin' back and read an Alice Walker short story.
  15. K returned from work: snuggle, chat, discuss dinner options, eat bread and cheese, took nap.
  16. Made potato Leek Soup and just ate a bowl of it while watching "Medium".
  17. Now I'm off to pack up the rest of the soup for lunches and then to bed :)

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