Monday, February 27, 2006

Here I am. Woke up and had breakfast with K, but then she went off to work and my normally very busy and hectic Monday day off finds me sitting here alone. I will get used to this, but I am not used to it yet. One car means that I need to make the usual appointments and shopping for chores that I do on Mondays at other times when the car is available, ie. before work, after work, and usually with K. I always knew I was a very independently minded person, but WoW! I am *really* disliking having to depend on K for getting me to work on time and having to coordinate our schedules so that I can go to appointment or just do mindless stuff. Sometimes very important mindless stuff, mind you, like shopping for our anniversary, which happens to be this Friday. Usually I would just take myself out shopping with some vague ideas of what I want to get for her and end up finding something. But now I really have to put some thought into it. First, I need to know exactly what I want to get her, then I need to know where to get it, and finally, I need to be able to arrange to go and pick it up - without her - without causing suspicion. Eeeek. Think. Think. Think.Eventually, I will learn to enjoy this time home alone. It will allow me to do some of the things around the house that I never seem to have time to do (bills, small repairs, organize file cabinet, plan wedding, paint, etc, etc, etc). I will now go and assess the situation...

Ok. Things to do today:

  1. Wash a load of laundry.
  2. Pay bills.
  3. Clean up random glasses and mess from housewarming yesterday.
  4. Hang load of laundry to dry.
  5. Wash another load of laundry.
  6. Wash dishes.
  7. Wipe down counter and stove.
  8. Clean litter box *uhg*
  9. Spontaneously manifest a clothes dryer in our basement.
  10. Ok, fine, hang laundry to dry.
  11. Motivate myself to do pilates.
  12. Do pilates.
  13. Take a much needed shower.
  14. Call various hotels to see about reserving a block for wedding.
  15. Fix a cup of tea and wait for my honey to come home while reading another short story by Alice Walker.

Or I could:

  1. Pay bills.
  2. Do Taxes.
  3. Continue doing taxes.
  4. Keep trying to figure out damn taxes.
  5. Vent to K when she gets home about those Godforsaken taxes.
  6. Go to the gym with K and work off frustration.
  7. Come home and finish taxes.

Well. The bills and taxes do need to be done. But, wouldn't it be nice to get all that other stuff done...


WordsofJoi said...

Seriously! All of this clothes-hanging gets a little old, especially when it's all inside because it's winter!

ardi k said...

Yikes! I guess I got to face 'em too. Taxes!! Maybe tonight I'll start.

And shopping?? I s'pose it's a little late now to buy on line for aniversary, but do do the shopping and sourcing there. Good luck, and Happy Anniversary!

Scuse the language (do do). Couldn't help it. (Was that Joey or Chandler on Friends?)

WordsofJoi said...

Ha! I could imagine both Joey or Chaldler saying that! But probably Chandler more, and then he'd get even goofier about saying it.