Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I am so impressed with myself right now. It is before 9am and I have been to the gym, showered, dressed, put away the drainer of dishes, put away the laundry, started another load and I am now enjoying a cup of coffee while I post. I'm usually just rolling out of bed by now, but I started a very early morning aerobics/lifting class. I was debating dropping it because, well, it is at the ungodly hour of 6:30am, which of course means I've got to be up at 6am. And that, my friend, is earlier than I have been accustomed to since the insanity days of crew. Lately I've gotten quite comfortable rolling out of bed at 8:30 or 9am, which still gives me a good hour before I have to be at work, but Wow! I've gotten so much done this morning and if feels good to be accomplished this early in the day. I will also keep that class because now with being a one-car family, I'd like to make sure that I do actually get to the gym at least the three times a week that the class is scheduled.

Last night K and I actually went to the gym together! Getting myself to the gym is one thing, but getting K to go to the gym, well, that is miraculous! Afterwards, she took me to the pub for burgers and beer. That was something - both of us still sweaty, in our gym clothes, and just at tad self conscious about being in public with our appearance as such - but it was delicious, and it was a lovely Valentine's Day dinner because it was all about us!

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