Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm doing better now :)

Yesterday was another rough day, but I continued my strike in the evening and did absolutely nothing until this morning. My back was twitchy yesterday on top of my unfortunate mood, so when I got home I laid down and read, then napped, got up and had crackers and cheese for dinner while watching Law and Order SVU. Crime shows often make me feel better.

This morning I got up and went to the gym. Took it easy so I wouldn't do any disservice to the back. I was still a bit on the cranky side when I arrived, but by the time I left I was doing better. I got two loads of laundry done before work and the dishes put away. I think part of why I was feeling so off the last couple of days was that the house was in a bit of a shambles. K put together a new wardrobe - which is FANTASTIC, but the room that it's in was out of commission and that is the same room where we have to hang the laundry up to dry.

Anyways, while I might be up to my eyeballs in laundry for the next couple of days, I things appear to be looking up.

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