Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy Feet!

Fantastic movie! But I'll get to that in a moment. So we still have Peanut, and will probably have her through the New Year. They have rescheduled the 72 hour hearing (again) for Dec. 13th, so there is a small chance that she'd go before then, but the social worker doubts it will get heard then as they've already got a full schedule that day before they put her case in. In the meantime, we are loving this kid to pieces and giving her just as much as the three of us can handle.Now on to Happy Feet. So last night we were going to go see a play that the sister-in-law is in with Sweetie, and since it didn't start until 8pm and she usually goes to bed at 7:30pm we put her down for a nap in the afternoon and let her sleep for 3 hours! Now, this may or may not seem completely outrageous. As some background, usually doesn't nap at all, so we were trying to get her well-rested for a big night out on the town. The plan was to go to Friendly's and have dinner, then drive the hour to where the play is. But we didn't take into account how long it takes her to eat - and since she was eating (praise the Goddess above!), we certainly weren't going to rush her. So anyways it was 7:30pm by the time we got done and we realized that we wouldn't make it. But what in heaven's name were we going to do with this very awake child?! We'd already talked about a back-up plan of seeing Happy Feet, but hadn't checked the play times, and were dismayed to find that the last local showing was at 7:00pm. Tower Theater had a 9:00pm showing so we piled in the car. Now let me be clear. I would not normally take a 2-year-old to a 9pm showing because a) it's just way too late!, b)the 9pm crowd is much less kid-friendly than a matinee, and c)I don't want to be judged by others who think they know what's best for other people's kids. But what were we going to do? So off we went to her first movie ever wondering if she'd even stay awake for it. We stopped at one of the posters on the way to the Dirty to get some coffee (because, of course, K and I did not have a 3 hr nap) and showed her the penguin and she was so excited. When we got in the theater the screen was still dark and we pointed it out, but she didn't seem to get that that is where she'd see the penguin. Then the preview came on and her little eyes and mouth popped wide open and she says, "Oh, TV! Big TV! HUGE TV!!" We are of course, trying to hush her and encourage inside voice, but it was just too much! She was just so enthralled! I don't think I've seen her that continuously awed ever. So cute! She did calm down so she at least she wasn't being obnoxious by the time the actual movie came on (and certainly not as obnoxious as the girl on her cell phone all the way through the previews), and she stayed awake through the whole thing. I was dually impressed. This morning she slept until 10:30am. We slept, snuggled, e-mailed, sorted the laundry and paid the bills before she stirred - amazing. Though, I'm thinking we should have stirred her earlier, because she is now still stirring in her crib an hour after she was put down. So what do you think, would you have thought we were nuts with a 2 year old at a 9pm show?

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