Tuesday, March 06, 2007

And after a long break...

I may be back. Peanut is still with us and will likely be with us until mid-summer at least. Potty training is going ever-so-slowly. We've all been in and out of being sick, but just now we are mostly healthy - er, K now reminds me that she has a cold again for the 5th time in as many months since our little Peanut arrived. So much has gone on that I have a hard time even thinking about it, much less writing it out coherently. So I won't. I will just say that K and Peanut are both being very cute as they do yoga together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you some words of encouragement and admiration to you and your family. May seem strange coming from someone who talks so readily about being a Christian, but trust me - We aren't all bigoted jerks. Good luck to li'l Peanut and her potty endeavors! :)