Saturday, July 28, 2007

10:30pm - in support of Baggage

Laundry folded. Mom called, so I was on the phone mostly.

It's funny, so much is going on that I don't even know where to begin. I mean, I told you about Peanut leaving and about the house, and they really take up a lot of space in our world right now, but beyond that where do I begin...

Peanut and I tried to go see Ratatouille today. She did well the 1st half. Then had to go to the bathroom and then wanted popcorn and a hot dog. I got these things for her, but then she didn't want to go back in. Then when I persuaded her to go back in she wouldn't eat the stuff I got her - grrr. Worse than that, she was talking very loudly and boucing on her chair, which was in severe need of some WD-40. I shushed her and took her out of the theater to tell her that she needed to be quiet or we'd have to leave. She agreed and we went back in. She continued her antics. I shushed her again. She let out a high pitched scream that only small children know how to do. I picked her up and we left, with her screaming the whole way. The popcorn got left in the theater. Waste. I think I may go to see the moving on my own tomorrow.

Now, maybe I'll get some things done before I post again.

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